b'GEOGRAPHYGeography NewsletterIt has been a busy winter season for the Geographers of South Dartmoor. The exam groups in Year 11 and 12 have been honing their geographical research skills in, what we call, the real world. In exercises designed to stun them into the realisation that the things that we have been learning in theArmed with needle sharpcome January needed a new classroom can actually happenobservational skills and equallyyear pic-me-up, so it was off in the real world! Never againsharp pencils, they assessedto the beach for us Dawlish can these enlightened individualsbuildings and tallied pedestriansWarren is the cover model of regard ordinary every dayand traffic, graffiti and littermanagement schemes in the locations as Exeter city centreat strategically selected pointsgeography community, so imagine and Dawlish Warren beach asthroughout the city along a linetheir delight at hitting the beach they once did. Instead, they shall(transect in Geographese) fromin winter!! Beset with equally see through that carapace ofFore street to the Odeon onas clear and dry weather as the humdrum mundanity and baskSidwell street. Illuminated withExeter excursion, the students in the glorious technicolourknowledge, the happy troopreviewed physical process and of geographical processes andreturned to the Cathedral greenlandforms of such spectacular systems mixing and melding toto lap up the festive vibe of thetextbook quality that they are create model case studies ofChristmas market as a reward!frequently used in text books; Urban Regeneration Planning andLangstone rock arch and wave Integrated Coastal management! To contrast the builtcut platform, the longshore environments subjectivedrift of the spit itself and the One fresh but dry day justqualitative enquiry, the GCSEdefence of the railway is clearly before Christmas, the 79 GCSEstudents needed to activelyillustrated as the GWR Plymouth geographers set off with a mindinvestigate and record morebound express whistles past to see if there was any beneficialquantitative data in a physicalwith cheery passengers waving. impact to the regeneration ofenvironment. They had workedBeach transects of gradient were the Princesshay area of Exeter.hard in the previous term andcharted and defence methods reviewed before the lure of chips, doughnuts and seagull skirmish stowed clipboards and tape measures in bags for the busback home. Two grand days out with exceptional students attracting public compliment along the way. I cant wait till they get to the Isle of Arran in the Sixth Form!TruthRespectEqualityExcellence southdartmoor.devon.sch.uk 9'