b'WELCOMEExecutive Head Teachers MessageI love the optimism that the SpringWe strive to create opportunities Term brings. Despite it feeling veryfor all our students, to tie in with much winter at the start, with darkhobbies, interests, talents or to enrich evenings and cold weather, I cherish the curriculum. The combination of the promise of new life, longeractivities and trips on offer is designed evenings, bright flowers. We finish termto foster intellectual curiosity, support early this year, but not too soon tocreativity and strengthen already have already enjoyed the snowdrops,excellent relationships. I continue to crocuses, daffodils and primroses.feel really privileged to work in South Where I live, the blackthorn has beenDartmoor Community College, with its in flower and the hawthorne in leaf forfabulous staff, hugely supportive parent a few weeks now; very real signs thatbody and wonderful students. I hope Spring is upon us. that this newsletter, again, gives you a flavour of just a small part of what we In school this energy and anticipationhave been up to. is equally as tangible. Events that we have held this term have showcasedFinally, as we approach Easter, Istudents talents and hard-work. Bodywould like to take this opportunity Language remains one of the beston behalf of all the staff, to wish all school events I have ever seen in mystudents studying for exams, our26 year career. The determination,very best wishes. I am really proudcommitment and professionalism ofof the way in which they have the students is incredible. How theyapproached mock exams, revision and manage to keep going through rehearsalthese last few weeks of teaching and and rehearsal, then performance aftercurriculum delivery. performance, while remembering all the choreography correctly, is astonishing.A large proportion of the Year 11s are on track to join us in the Sixth Form Perhaps the most notable part of allnext year, which I know they are keen of it, though, is the way in which theto do. This is very exciting as we are dancers come together as a family. Thereally fond of this year group.older ones support the younger ones completely naturally, guiding them andI look forward to celebrating withencouraging them, patiently and gently.Year 11 and Year 13 at the end of the This is a very visual representation ofexam period. who we are at South Dartmoor and what we strive to achieve. The studentsWishing you all a happy and relaxing demonstrate our values without evenEaster holiday. thinking about it; and this is increasinglyJen Veal true around the college campus on aExecutive Head Teacherday to day basis. I feel so proud of all our students. 2 01364 652230 South Dartmoor Community College'