b'ARTSIntroduction to PrintingWe are very grateful for theto run these activities. Simoneye opening for our students ongoing support that Theintroduces works of abstractto appreciate the high level of Helen Foundation and Daisiart and guides students throughartistic enterprise and expression (arts inspired learning) providethe complete creative process ofthat is happening in the local for creative activities at Southdeveloping abstract motifs andarea. This will be motivational Dartmoor. The foundation isoriginal prints. Simons work canfor our young people who are facilitating a wonderfully creative,be viewed at Simon Ripley. interested in expressing their printmaking experience for ourcreativity within employment Year 9 and 12 students. Without the foundationsafter leaving the college. generous financial support, itMrs Daemi-RashidiThanks to the funding, Simonwould have been impossible tohttps://www.southdartmoor.Ripley, a local printmaker, is goingrun such an activity. It will bedevon.sch.uk/printmakingPrimary Music Live Sessions 23In November 2022 we launchedThank you to all parents, family the Primary Music Centre formembers and students who Years 4, 5 and 6. We had ansupported Live Sessions in incredible first term, spendingFebruary this term. time getting to know everybody and building opportunities.Students had worked on Thank you to Devon and Torbaydeveloping and rehearsing their Music Education Hubs for theirchosen material since January support. Please find updatedand came together to perform information here: an evening of live music. All year www.southdartmoor.devon. groups from 7-13 participated sch.uk/primarymusic and performances included many genres and original work. The stage and college hall were full and it was so exciting to see students showcasing their music and supporting each other in each performance.12 01364 652230 South Dartmoor Community College'