b'TEN TORSTen Tors - TrainingWe were greeted with a smattering of snow for the resumption of our training for the Ten Tors challenge at the weekend. We are so privileged to have access to the moors, its really vital that our young peopleThe students said it was great to get a chance to experience all itbuild teamwork, the challenges offers.helped them communicate and On Saturday the groups walkedmost importantly, they had loads across the moor, before settingof fun! Andy and his team were up their tents and cooking theirencouraging and helpful to all of evening meal. After an iffyour students to ensure they got nights sleep at best for some,the most out of the day.it was up and about to make breakfast and explore all thatAll of the trainees are doing an Backwater Adventure had toamazing job so far this year. Bring This year, thanks to our incredibleoffer. on the event!outdoor education fundraisingMiss Uptonteam, the participants traininghttps://www.southdartmoor.for the Ten Tors Challengedevon.sch.uk/tentors2023were treated to an overnight camp and adventure packed day at Backwater Adventure, on the Colehayes Estate near Haytor. The participants put into practice all they had learnt on the previous training event and were supported on their first steps to self sufficiency by an incredible bunch of volunteers. 18 01364 652230 South Dartmoor Community College'