b'ARTSFine Art DanceOur A Level Fine Art studentsMore than 50 of our dancersprogramme, a provision which handed over their belovedtook part in exciting practicalprovides 1117 year olds with coursework projects, in order toworkshops. Professional dancerworld class dance training and start their exam work.Ella, who is Rambert trained,opportunities. We are really joined us for the afternoonlucky to have our nearest CAT There will be an exhibition ofto develop technique andprogramme in Exeter, which is their work later in the year, butchoreographic skills with studentshosting a free experience day on here is a preview of some ofacross all years. 12th February 2023.their pieces. If youd like to know more about any of the creativeThe workshops also gaveFor more information please pathways on offer at Southstudents an insight into theemail Mrs Slater, or see this link Dartmoor for Sixth Form, pleaseSwindon Dance Centre forto the programmes website: speak to the Art Department. Advanced Training (CAT)https://bit.ly/3HyfvLz10 01364 652230 South Dartmoor Community College'