b'Wellbeing SPRING 2023Bulletin Springa season of new beginnings, lighter nights and warmer days. A season to get out and meet people, reconnect with family and take some time for ourselves. A time to feel and think about our life, whats important to us and how we interact with others in a positive way. What we say and how we say it, both to others and to ourselves, can change our moods and influence behaviour within us as well as the people we interact with. Re-shaping our language can have massive benefits on our confidence and that of others - using negative words brings about negative thoughts and actions, but being constructive, factual and BE positive can turn difficult conversations into meaningful interactions. When talking about, or to,KIND yourself, think of your language - would you speak to others the way you speak to yourself? In-school support: School Counsellor:Monday and Wednesday 1:1 sessions. School Chaplaincy service: Thursday 1:1 sessions. Devon Family Services drop in: Tuesday lunchtime 1:1 sessions. Drop-in sessions with Mental Health Lead: Wednesday and Friday Break 1 in the Library. Young Carers drop in with Mental Health Lead: Monday Break 1 in the Library.LGBT+Pride Club with DSL:Wednesday Break 1 in the room behind the DSL office. Timetabled sessions / intervention groups with Mental Health Lead:Every day. Students can self-refer to any of the above through Self-Referral Forms obtained from Tutors or Heads of Year.South Dartmoor Community College TruthRespectEqualityExcellence southdartmoor.devon.sch.uk 27'