b'SCIENCEScience WeekExcitement and curiosityto think, learn and communicate. importance of connections in filled the air at the school onthe brain, and how they relate Monday 13th March, as theWith a steady hand and a sharpto our ability to think, learn, and Year 10 cohort gathered toscalpel, Mr McGeever thencommunicate.witness a brain dissection,proceeded to dissect the brain,Mrs McCarthylaunching the British Sciencecarefully pointing out each ofwww.southdartmoor.devon.Week celebrations. Teacher Mrits parts and explaining theirsch.uk/scienceweekMcGeever took centre stage tofunction. The students were show the students how the brainamazed by the intricate details of works and how it linked to thisthe brain, and some even had the years theme of connections. opportunity to hold and examine it for themselves.Mr McGeever began by explaining the basic anatomy ofThe brain dissection was a the brain, highlighting its variousfascinating and eye-opening parts and their functions. Heexperience for the students, and then went on to explain howit served as a fantastic launch the theme of connections isfor the British Science Week integral to our understanding ofcelebrations. Mr McGeevers the brain, as it is the connectionsdemonstration helped the between neurons that allow usstudents to understand the 6 01364 652230 South Dartmoor Community College'