b'CAREERSHSBC NEONYear 12 students attended aEight of our Year 12 studentsof a national conversation on session with Audrey Stevenson,have helped kick off researchstudent finance.Network Manager at HSBC.by the National EducationRead more here :They heard about various jobOpportunities Network intowww.southdartmoor.devon.roles within banking and differenthow best to fund university sch.uk/nationaleducationcareer paths into the industry,education in the future, as partand how banking is changing to adapt to the changing demands of their customers and fraud prevention.Getting to Know Your Sixth Form As part of the recent CareersSubject specialist teaching staff,English Literature by bringing Day which we hosted at ouralong with Year 12 and 13them to life through Performing Sixth Form Centre, studentsstudent subject ambassadors ledArts. For more information in Year 8, 9 and 10 venturedan aspirational range of activitiesabout our Sixth Form upstairs to some of our A Levelwhich captured the imaginationsplease contact sixthform@teaching spaces as part of theof all students, enabling them tosouthdartmoor.devon.sch.uk Getting to Know Your Sixthsolve crimes, become graphic Form experience. designers and delve deep into TruthRespectEqualityExcellence southdartmoor.devon.sch.uk 9'