b'TRANSITION / SIXTH FORMScience WeekThe Science Team visitedof energy, captivating the audienceoffered a fantastic opportunity to Ashburton Primary School towith a range of experiments,connect the school community, wrap up Science Week with aincluding the famous screaminglinking the science curriculum with grand finale assembly that leftjelly baby, the explosive mentosthe broader context of real life everyone buzzing with excitement.and coke experiment, andapplications. The students and With this years theme beingcolourful flame testing. teachers were thoroughly engaged connections, Mrs McCarthyThe assembly not only providedthroughout the afternoon, and Mr McGeever tied theiran entertaining show, but alsoinspired by the teams passion and demonstrations to different formsexpertise in science.Results DayWe look forward to seeingthe majority of the cohort, everyone again on the GCSEwho will be joining us in our Results Day, Thursday 24thSixth Form from September. August, where all of their hardWe would also like to take work will be rewarded.this opportunity to wish every student who is going on to Beyond Results Day, wenew ventures beyond South are excited to continue theDartmoor the very best of luck partnership that we have within all of their future endeavours.20 01364 652230 South Dartmoor Community College'