b'MUSICTuition FundingWe are pleased to be able toThank you to all students and offer additional group tuitionfamilies who supported this for trumpet, violin and tunedterms concerts. The hall was full percussion - thanks to newof music, energy and warmth. funding from the Devon andAll year groups have worked Torbay Music Educations Hubsextremely hard on their music for the next academic year. making and have committed to www.southdartmoor.devon. weekly rehearsals, sound checks, sch.uk/musiccentre performances and much more.Musicians in the Making ConcertMay saw the return of our annual Musicians in the Making Concert. This event is a platform for soloists and small ensembles to perform music of their choice. Students from all year groups rehearsed material and auditioned to create an exciting evening which included a varied and inspiring programme.TruthRespectEqualityExcellence southdartmoor.devon.sch.uk 15'