b'WELCOMEExecutive Head Teachers MessageAs we approach the end of anotherIt was for that reason I invited Mel academic year, it is a good time toStride MP in recently, to show him and reflect on what we have achievedtell him about our school, about how together over the course of the pastfortunate we are in many respects and 12 months. As you will see in theabout what students deserve from the subsequent pages, there has been aeducation system. I hope that he took huge array of events and activities, mostaway useful information to influence notably this term the Year 11 and Yearpolitical policy, as well as the key 13 leavers celebrations, which weremessages that students as wonderful as lovely occasions, the transition eventsours, and those yet to come through and Open Evening for Years 5 andthe system, deserve only the very best. 6, the exams season, the curriculumI take my responsibility as a leader enrichment experiences, trips, concertswithin education very seriously and I and Year 10 work experience, to namewill continue to campaign on the issues but a few. It has been wonderful and Ifacing children in our schools and wider consider myself very lucky to work atsociety today. South Dartmoor. I have said it before, I know, but I could not be more proudI hope you enjoy reading our news of our students - they are a pleasure tofrom this term and on behalf of all the be with and a delight to work with. staff I wish you a relaxing, restful and happy summer.However, it has also been a term affected by industrial action and theJen Veal profile raising of some of the issuesExecutive Head Teacherfacing education currently, resulting from years of chronic underfunding. 2 01364 652230 South Dartmoor Community College'