b'TRANSITIONPrimary SchoolsPrimary school children experienced a variety of alternative sports at the South Dartmoor Learning Community Festival. Trampolining, dodgeball, badminton, short tennis and frisbee were taught by our wonderful Sport Leaders. Pupils learnt new skills and tried different sports.Moretonhampstead Primary SchoolMrs McCarthy andA hands on experiment Mrs Woodward visitedallowed the young scientists to Moretonhampstead Primarycreate their own cell. Armed School to deliver an engaging andwith coins, paper, and foil, enlightening workshop on lightthey experienced the joy of and electricity to enthusiasticdiscovery as they constructed Year 6 students. Theytheir miniature power source. demonstrated how light can beExcitement filled the room as split using a prism, creating athe homemade cells came to mesmerising rainbow of colours.life, sparking their imagination.The students marvelled at the phenomenon of refraction, as their understanding of light took a leap forward.They then delved into the realm of electricity, introducing the young learners to the electrical symbols used to represent components in a circuit, unlocking the secret language of electrons. With hands on activities, they had the opportunity to build and draw their own circuits, bringing the abstract world of electrical currents to life.TruthRespectEqualityExcellence southdartmoor.devon.sch.uk 19'