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South Dartmoor
Community College


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  • Strong Girls Event

    Published 14/12/23

    A group of Year 8 - 10s went to a ‘Strong Girls’ event in Exeter, hosted by St Luke’s School. More than 130 students took part, with schools from all over Devon attending. 

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  • Cricket County Finals

    Published 21/11/23

    Congratulations to the U15 girls' team, who qualified for the Indoor Cricket County Finals. We sent two teams to the district round of the Chance to Shine Competition at Paignton Community College. They were up against strong opposition, including two former county champions. The girls' team knew they had to be at their best to qualify.

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  • Hospital Appeal

    Published 20/11/23

    Former SDCC head of Geography Mustafa Shaikh would love your support in helping to raise some funds for the Plymouth Hospital Charity Keep Me Close charity. This is for families whose child is in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Derriford. The unit helped his grandson, Freddie, who was born 15 weeks premature in 2019.

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  • Mr Stokes Runs on Snacks and Stars

    Published 13/11/23

    Mr Stokes completed the Dartmoor Way 'The Full Circle' 100 at the weekend in an amazing 32 hours and 29 minutes, running a distance of 109 miles (175km). His highlights included enjoying the clarity of the night sky and being able to eat an awful lot of snacks! Here is his race report.

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  • Mr Stokes Prepares to Run

    Published 08/11/23

    Mr Stokes has been training for the Dartmoor Way 100, 'The Full Circle', a complete circumnavigation of Dartmoor, on Friday 10th - Saturday 11th November. Here he reminisces about a run he didn't prepare for so well and the lessons he learned from it.

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  • Mr Stokes: Running & Jokes

    Published 05/10/23

    Mr Stokes has just entered the Dartmoor Way 100, 'The Full Circle' - which is a complete circumnavigation of Dartmoor. He has started this blog in the hope that it will inspire students to reflect on their own goals.

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  • SDCC Musical Talent

    Published 28/09/23

    Two Year 13 students and three former students have formed a band called Tempus, which now has management and promotion on a regional basis. By Mr Hodges

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  • Call to ‘ASSEMBLY’

    Published 11/09/23

    Artists and students from South Devon Community College are coming together to create ASSEMBLY, a unique art installation in St Lawrence Chapel, Ashburton, which re-imagines educational and social systems.

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  • GCSE Results 2023

    Published 23/08/23

    Students at South Dartmoor Community College are celebrating impressive GCSE results. Despite the national trend of a tightening in grades, they have been successful in their academic performance. The vast majority met, or outperformed, their targets, placing them in a strong position nationally.

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  • A Level Results 2023

    Published 17/08/23

    South Dartmoor Community College is once again celebrating some impressive A Level results. Despite national trends of decreasing performance, students have maintained last year's very positive grades.

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  • Sixth Form London Trip

    Published 12/07/23

    Highlights: students' behaviour described as “impeccable” by Premier Inn staff, teachers called “cool”. by random couple on the train and Jake T given the floor of the House of Lords whilst it was in session debating the Wagner Group and immigration!

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  • Local MP Visit

    Published 10/07/23

    Government minister praises “excellent progress” at SDCC

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