Strong Girls Event

A group of Year 8 - 10s went to a ‘Strong Girls’ event in Exeter, hosted by St Luke’s School. More than 130 students took part, with schools from all over Devon attending.
The girls rotated round five workshops. There were three practical sessions learning the techniques of power lifting: "snatch, clean and jerk". These were led by three inspiring women, two who coach power lifting and former Great Britain Olympian Emily Golder.
There were also two theory workshops. The first was about the impact of social media, positive influences and awareness of the negatives. The second was about training, lifting and injury prevention during the hormone cycle, when to reduce and increase volume/weight. Both were really insightful.
After lunch the bars and weights came out and the girls had a go at practising their techniques with the experts coaching them. It was a really encouraging and positive atmosphere, as students from all the schools cheered each other on.
Thanks to our two Sixth Formers Mia and Erin for volunteering and coming with Mrs Mason for the day. It's great to have such positive role models. We look forward to seeing them in the gym soon.