b'BUSINESS & ECONOMICSSchools Business Olympics We have been competing inStudents need to agree on moreThe team of Dan C, Charlie K an elite competition involvingthan 100 decisions before they(both Year 13) and Sarah FB a highly complex businesssubmit that rounds decisions(Year 11) are doing phenomenally simulation with studentsand wait to see how theirwell, supported by reserves Gus from almost 100 schools, inbusiness prowess matches upKL (Year 13) and Kieran R (Year 46 countries covering fivewith those of students around11). It is a truly outstanding effort continents! Each week theythe world. Although Frankfurtby all involved. have to make an array ofand Tokyo are leading the global decisions including recruitingcompetition, South Dartmoors and motivating staff, purchasingteam is pulling away from the multiple elements of stock,competition in its mini league deciding selling prices for a wideof 10 schools and is well placed product range in a competitiveto compete with the best inenvironment and choosingthe world moving into the promotion methods.final stages.Personal Finance Orin H is leading the way, asIn 2021 our Year 10 and Year 11personal finance teaching across many of our students continueBusiness Studies students have allall year groups.to excel in the study of personalembarked on additional personal finance. Orin has just completedfinance studies to complementThe London Institute of Banking the Lessons in Financial Educationthe business course. Nine, likeand Finance has submitted a Certificate in record time andOrin, have now achieved theLevel 2 GCSE equivalent course with an average score of 94%three unit Lessons in Financialfor authorisation from the across the three exams. Education Award. 51 studentsDepartment for Education. If this have already achieved theis successful we may also then Students can cover three unitssingle unit Lessons in Financialbe in a position to offer Personal on a wide range of topics, fromEducation Certificate and areFinance students as a stand alone the basic origins of moneyworking towards the full award,Year 9 Option in the near future. to understanding budgeting,whilst our final Year 10 class will taxation, interest rates, typesbe sitting their exam just before of current accounts, savingsthe end of the year.accounts, debt and potential career opportunities in theIn January, we are planning financial sector. to introduce personal finance into KS3 with a term of the computing timetable being given over to the delivery at first in Year 7 and then over the nextOrin with Mr Richards, his Finance and three years firmly embeddingBusiness teacher.4 01364 652230 South Dartmoor Community College'