Fox Tor
Welcome to the orange house; welcome to Fox Tor!
As the head of Fox Tor, I would like to personally welcome you to our page. We pride ourselves as being a vibrant, energetic house where we have a real sense of community.
At our College, we are encouraging students to ‘get stuck’; to see what it feels like to have a challenge and to not know the answer. Do you give in? Do you ask for help? Do you keep trying until you succeed? Hopefully, we can help you develop skills that will enable you to overcome barriers and set you on your way to becoming successful learners and having a box of skills you can dip into throughout your life. This journey starts during tutor time, where we are lucky to have a vertical system which see’s all year groups merge with one another.
In Fox Tor, we have a superb set of caring tutors, they are the people you can turn to with any problems you might have. They will also lead and guide you through our famous monthly tutor challenges.
I am very lucky to have two brilliant Student Heads of House in Hazel Bourne (BRD) and Brad Rooney (HRD) and they will always be there for any student to talk to or help you out.
Finally, I cannot guarantee you will not have any problems throughout your time at SDCC, but I can guarantee you will get all the support and care from staff and students alike to try and overcome these problems. Enjoy your time here, grasp every opportunity with both hands; whether it’s football club, poetry club or reading club… try everything.
Mr J Morrison-Hill (MHL)
Head of House - Fox Tor
“The future’s bright… the future’s orange”
Tutor contact list:
Mr J Morrison-Hill
Miss D Manners
Mrs R Lewis
Mrs K Hutchings
Miss A Cowell
Mr R Cowdry
Mr J Long
Miss C Howard
Mr J Bradford