DEC Plymouth Visit

DEC students take advantage of Open Sites Plymouth Week
Design Engineer Construct students were treated to expert guidance and careers advice from award winning architect and RIBA South West Chair, Sarah Lee of Stride Treglown Architecture, as well as from award winning SDS Solutions (Building Service Engineering) Mark Broome and Lewis White.
These were two ideal companies to meet, see round their offices and explore real projects with, as students got to see first hand use of the specialised industry standard REVIT design software the school employs to develop their skills in architectural and engineering design.
Students were talked through the construction of the Deaf Academy in Exmouth, given extensive tips on routes to careers in these professions, gaining work experience opportunities and also offered the opportunity to follow up the visit by sending work down to receive critical feedback on the students own designs from leading professionals in the field.
A fantastic experience and a big thank you to Build Plymouth for organising a week of exciting educational opportunities for schools to get involved in the construction industry.
Mr Rodgers