Primary Dance Projects

FIRST STEP - Years 1, 2, 3
LEAP AHEAD - Years 4, 5, 6
We are delighted to announce that the First Step and Leap Ahead projects will return for the whole of the summer term, split into two projects running on the following dates:
- Summer Project 1 - Tuesday 18th April – Tuesday 23rd May (six week block)
- Summer Project 2 – Tuesday 6th June – Tuesday 11th July (six week block)
Sharing of work to take place on 23rd May and 11th July at 4.45pm.
We are also proud to be welcoming South Dartmoor alumna and West End star Grace Moorhouse back to lead and deliver the summer term dance projects.
She says: "I am a performer in musical theatre and dance and am so excited to be offering primary dance lessons at South Dartmoor for the Summer Term of 2023. A huge chunk of my performing experience took place at SDCC and I am thrilled to be back there to share my knowledge through dance and performing.
"These weekly sessions will be based on using dance as a form of expression for your children, helping them find and develop their confidence, new skills, new friends and importantly have fun. Throughout each project we will explore a variety of dance, music and acting, working towards an informal sharing with friends and family during the final session, celebrating what we have created throughout the project."
How to Sign Up
In order to secure a place, please complete the registration form by clicking here. This needs to be done by Monday 17th April.
The project incurs a one-off cost of £25 per child and includes six taught sessions with Grace Moorhouse, as well as an informal sharing of work with refreshments at the end of each project (performance dates detailed above). Payment is required on Tuesday 18th April upon arrival at the first session. Correct cash or bank transfer are the methods of payment. If you require BACS details for Grace Moorhouse, please email Mrs Slater to request these.
If you wish to sign up for both projects (Summer Term 1 and 2), you can secure your child’s place by paying in full, upfront on Tuesday 18th April.
Drop off and collection
All children must be signed in and out at the Dance Studio (DA1). Children need to be collected by an authorised adult from the Dance Studio/Main Hall at the end of every session before they will be released.
What to wear/bring
Your child will need to wear plain black leggings/jogging bottoms (which will be worn as part of their costume as well) and the First Step or Leap Ahead t shirt. We will be dancing bare foot. Children will need to bring a drink of water to each session.
Rehearsal & Performance Schedule
Below is the schedule for both summer term projects.
Summer Term 1 – 18th April – 23rd May |
Date |
Venue |
Time |
Tuesday 18 April |
Session 1 – DA1 |
First Step = 4:00 – 4:45pm Leap Ahead = 4:45 – 5:30pm |
Tuesday 25 April |
Session 2 – DA1 |
First Step = 4:00 – 4:45pm Leap Ahead = 4:45 – 5:30pm |
Tuesday 2 May |
Session 3 – DA1 |
First Step = 4:00 – 4:45pm Leap Ahead = 4:45 – 5:30pm |
Tuesday 9 May |
Session 4 – DA1 |
First Step = 4:00 – 4:45pm Leap Ahead = 4:45 – 5:30pm |
Tuesday 16 May |
Session 5 – DA1 |
First Step = 4:00 – 4:45pm Leap Ahead = 4:45 – 5:30pm |
Tuesday 23 May |
Session 6 – MAIN HALL End of Term Sharing of Work |
All dancers 4:00 – 4:45pm Performance and Refreshments = 4:50 – 5:15pm |
Summer Term 2 – 18th April – 23rd May |
Date |
Venue |
Time |
Tuesday 6 June |
Session 1 – DA1 |
First Step = 4:00 – 4:45pm Leap Ahead = 4:45 – 5:30pm |
Tuesday 13 June |
Session 2 – DA1 |
First Step = 4:00 – 4:45pm Leap Ahead = 4:45 – 5:30pm |
Tuesday 20 June |
Session 3 – DA1 |
First Step = 4:00 – 4:45pm Leap Ahead = 4:45 – 5:30pm |
Tuesday 27 June |
Session 4 – DA1 |
First Step = 4:00 – 4:45pm Leap Ahead = 4:45 – 5:30pm |
Tuesday 4 July |
Session 5 – DA1 |
First Step = 4:00 – 4:45pm Leap Ahead = 4:45 – 5:30pm |
Tuesday 11 July |
Session 6 – MAIN HALL End of Term Sharing of Work |
All dancers 4:00 – 4:45pm Performance and Refreshments = 4:50 – 5:15pm |
It is such a pleasure to able to offer these projects to your family for the summer term. We are so proud of Grace and what she has achieved with her career so far and look forward to seeing your children benefit from her expertise and passion.
Mrs Slater
Teacher of Dance