Instrumental Lessons
To register your interest or request tuition for your child, please complete the form below.
If you have any questions, please add them to the form or email
Primary Music Centre Information here
Thank you for your interest in music lessons at South Dartmoor.
Lessons - will usually take place in college time [times outside this can be arranged with the instrumental tutor]. All tuition will take place in the Music Department, where instruments can also be stored. Our instrumental tutors are self-employed and once lessons have commenced any communication should, in the first instance, be with the individual tutor.
Payment - Approximately 30 lessons are given each year, which vary in length depending on the tutor and the student. Instrumental tutors will submit their invoice to parents each term or as convenient. Rates for lessons are fixed by each tutor and parents will be informed of the rate the tutor intends to charge.
cancelling tuition
Cancelling Tuition - One-month written notice, given to both the instrumental tutor and the Music Department will be required before lessons are cancelled.